Mikhail Galashin

Hello! I am a Behavioral and Applied Economist studying how beliefs shape economic decisions. Methodologically, I combine (quasi-)experimental methods with machine learning techniques. My job market paper introduces a novel methodology for designing better surveys by using crowdsourcing to transform open-ended questions into multiple-choice formats while preserving the richness of possible responses. 

My other work examines how macroeconomic expectations affect consumer spending, how researchers' personal experiences influence their research choices, and how professional networks impact career outcomes.

I have completed my Ph.D. in Economics and Management at UCLA Anderson School of Management in 2023.

I am on the 2024-2025 academic job market.

Job Market Paper

Market for Answers: Integrating Сommunity Information in Research Design (with Alena Buinskaya)

Working Papers

Macroeconomic Expectations and Credit Card Spending (with Martin Kanz and Ricardo Perez-Truglia)
revised and resubmitted to Review of Financial Studies

We examine how macroeconomic expectations affect consumer decisions, using an experiment with 2,872 credit card customers at a large commercial bank. In the experiment, participants are randomized into receiving expert forecasts of inflation and the nominal exchange rate. We find that forecasts significantly affect inflation and exchange rate expectations, but do not change spending or self-reported consumption plans as predicted by standard models of intertemporal choice. Results from a supplementary survey experiment suggest that consumers are sophisticated enough to anticipate nominal rigidities and reduce spending on durables for precautionary reasons, counteracting the effects predicted by standard models of intertemporal optimization.

Work in progress

Mesearch: Personal Experiences and Research Agendas (with Natalia Lamberova)

Welcome to the Club: Professional Degrees and Labor Market Outcomes (with Aleksandr Gevorkian and Olga Novikova)

Pre-Ph.D. papers:

Teamwork Efficiency and Company Size (with Sergey V. Popov)
The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, January 2016